True Feel’ns {Right Now}

Published October 16, 2012 by naturallipretti


I’m jobless. I’m penniless .I’m so close to homelessness (again). I’m hurting again. I’m crying, again. I’m scared, again. I wish it could all just stop!!!!!!

I want more but I cant seem to hold on to the good. I constantly speak into the air hoping that my heart’s desires are someday made real. I know I cant give up because I have four that depend solely on me. I’m far from perfect but I try to be. I keep to myself as to not burden others with my shame. I don’t speak out of turn, not because I lack the knowledge, but because you may find out my secrets. Ive been kicked down, double-crossed, beaten, lied to, lied on, talked about, yelled at and so much more. I can no longer fight back and it seems everyone knows this. My son just celebrated his 13th birthday and the only thing…

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